The RECAP Model Overview
Doing it right is important, like knowing how to lift weights keeps us from getting hurt, leading our Groups well keeps people from getting hurt. Beware the drift to controversial topics, soap box issues, rants and the like. As a Leader, it is your job to keep the main thing the main thing.
R – Reconnect. Where we share our real lives together.
Tip: Don’t slip into “rescue” mode and solve people’s problems. This is simply a time for sharing and caring.
Best Practice #1: Stay connected throughout the week. Start a group text or messenger group and encourage/celebrate each other. Do life together.
E – Explore. Where we define the focus of the discussion topic.
Tip: Beware the rabbit hole, be sensitive to avoid the rabbit hole!
C – Consider. Where we discuss the focus.
Discussion leads to Discovery,
Discover highlights Decisions,
Decisions determine Destiny.
Best Practice #2: Be conscious of everyone having a chance to share. Encourage the talkers to let others share, call out the quiet to verbalize their thoughts, and don’t be afraid of a little silence. Silence means people are going somewhere new in their mind and that is a good thing!
A – Activate. Where we commit to whatever God is moving toward in the area of focus.
This is the “Now What?” portion, after “What?” and “So What?”. It’s how we walk out our faith in our everyday life.
P – Prayer. Where we wrap up by taking our commitments to the Lord and asking for courage to walk them out, where we life up our lows to Him, and where we thank Him for our highs.
Bonus Practice #3: Don’t forget announcements. Share what is coming up at the church or in your Group!