A Prayer For Every Mother

Josie Dadeboe   -  

This prayer was prayed over moms by Fan Smucker on Mother’s Day, May 12, 2024, at Worship Center.

Our forever faithful Father — our Creator,

I come to you today, bringing the mothers in this room to you. The new mamas — experiencing changes they could never have predicted. The seasoned mamas, many of whose children are grown but ever close to their hearts. The mothers who are in complicated and difficult relationships with their grown children.

The pregnant mothers, the single mothers, the adoptive and foster mothers, mothers who have lost children earthside, women whose deepest desire is to be a mother, and women who have taken on the role of mothering in other people’s lives. There are so many different versions of mothers, each one distinctly unique and beautiful. Each one precious in your sight, God.

Father, you see each mom today. You see that what’s often required of them can be constant, exhausting, overwhelming, and wearying. But along with all of this, may they remember your promise to be our strength when we are at our weakest. Your grace is sufficient for whatever we experience.

In your mercy, you give the capacity that is needed for each mom to respond lovingly to their children and to continue giving of themselves. While they hold their little ones, you hold them. You bend to listen to a mother’s pleas for help, comfort, strength, and guidance. You never tire of it, and each mom can depend upon your dependability. Always.

One thing I know for sure, Lord — your heart is for them. Motherhood is your idea, and it is the most sacred of callings here on planet Earth. You are love; you are LIFE — motherhood represents the essence of who you are, God. With an everlasting love, you love these mothers, and underneath are your everlasting arms. You stand by them, and you strengthen them. Like a great warrior, you go before them, and you follow them. You place your hand of blessing on their head. You are always with them; they will not be shaken because you are right beside them.

Their sons and daughters will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their children’s peace. You said you will pour out your Spirit on their offspring and your blessing on their descendants. Their children will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor!

God, I‘m grateful for the mothers in this room who know you for who you are — thank you that we do not need to feel sorry for our children and grandchildren just because the world they are growing up in is not what it used to be. Empower mothers to teach their children to be world-changers!

Remind us constantly that we don’t need to be fearful or disheartened by what is happening around us, but we can teach our young ones that they can do something about it! Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world! The evil one has never been able to succeed at thwarting our God’s ultimate plan, and he isn’t going to start succeeding now!

You have created each child and called them for this exact moment in history. You had each child’s birthday written in your book of life from the beginning of time. Their lives are not an accident. They belong. You know exactly what they will be required to face in life, and you know that they CAN handle whatever challenges come their way with the strength and power of Almighty God.

And you appointed and uniquely equipped these mothers to be the parents in THIS generation. Maybe the best gift we can actually give the world as people of faith is to have and raise a whole generation of children, many children — who know the power they walk in as the beloved of God. Children who know the authority of your Word and children who walk in faith knowing God is still in control.

Today, on this Mother’s Day, we choose to trust you and believe in you. And when our hearts start to lean toward fear, Lord, help our unbelief.

The blessing I want to speak over you today:

“The Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.

The Lord turn his face toward you, and give you peace.”  
