Dating? Engaged? Newly Married? There’s a Group for you!

Eric Scott   -  

Relationships are the building blocks of life. We were created with a desire to enjoy the company of others. And Scripture says there might be one extraordinary person we will spend our lives with:

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” Genesis 2:18, NLT

Yet, it does not take a rocket scientist to know a lifetime romantic relationship is not easy. Relationships between men and women can become very complicated. We don’t need to look further than Adam and Eve to understand this. It did not take them long to sin in a one-rule world while living in a perfect environment. We need help with our relationships.

Being connected to a community of believers who also want to pursue healthy, godly relationships can help you navigate the ups and downs of dating and marriage.

In Dating on Purpose, a group at Worship Center, you’ll grow in your dating relationship through discussion with other couples as you explore God’s plan for your life together.

Are you a young adult in a serious dating relationship? As a dating couple, you have a million voices pressuring you to find your perfect match. Worship Center designed a group just for you. Join us for this group discussion to grow together in your relationship and discover God’s plan for your life together. This group will meet for nine weeks starting in the Fall 2024. Interested? Sign up here.

We have another opportunity for couples married two years or less who do not have children. In this group, you’ll be led by older, mature Christian couples through two different book studies. This group meets in leaders’ homes in the fall, continuing through the year until the following summer. The first years of marriage are better navigated when you learn together with other young couples and are discipled by older Christian couples. Interested? Sign up here.

As you begin to think about this fall, take a moment to look at your calendar, talk with your partner, and set this time aside to grow your relationship. A lifetime relationship is the second biggest decision you will ever make. I encourage you to acquire the skills needed to build a lasting relationship!