Eric and Cindy Scott on Sabbatical

Chelsea Mosher   -  

Every seven years, Worship Center pastors have the opportunity to take a seven-week sabbatical. The purpose of a sabbatical is for the pastor to take time to step back from the normal day-to-day responsibilities and focus on strengthening family relationships, revitalizing personal spiritual growth, and furthering their education.

We’re happy to share that Eric and Cindy Scott are on sabbatical from May 22 to July 14, 2024. The Scotts plan to spend time enjoying Hawaii, connecting with their kids and family, resting, and exploring opportunities for personal growth.

Eric and Cindy’s Responsibilities

While Cindy is gone, Pastor Betsy Torres will oversee all Groups responsibilities and questions. While Eric is gone, Steph Davis will handle all Marriage & Family responsibilities and questions. Rebecca Slesser will oversee the baptism process for Eric, and Pastor Don Neff will handle any pastoral responsibilities that arise for both Eric and Cindy.

How You Can Pray for the Scotts 

– Pray for spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional refreshment for both Cindy and Eric.

– Pray this would be a time rest and reconnection.