Worship Pastor Daniel Seiz on Sabbatical

Chelsea Mosher   -  

Every seven years, Worship Center pastors have the opportunity to take a seven-week sabbatical. The purpose of a sabbatical is for the pastor to take time to step back from the normal day-to-day responsibilities and focus on strengthening family relationships, revitalizing personal spiritual growth, and furthering their education.

We’re happy to share that our Worship Pastor, Daniel Seiz, will be on sabbatical from June 9 through July 27, 2024. Daniel, his wife, Jenessa, and their three daughters plan to spend a lot of time together as a family during his sabbatical. They plan to vacation together and visit other churches — both local and out-of-state. Daniel will miss worshiping with his church family, but he is thankful to work at Worship Center, where his relationship with the Lord and his family is of the highest value.

Daniel’s Responsibilities 

While Daniel is gone, Assistant Worship Director Kristyn Leed and Music Director & Producer Andrew Kelley will handle many of Daniel’s responsibilities. Additionally, volunteer leader Mike Sinyagin, along with a few other volunteers, will lead worship on Sunday mornings more often.

How You Can Pray for Daniel and his Family

– Pray for Daniel’s time with the Lord — that it would be rich and the source of his rest.

– Pray over Daniel’s family — that they grow even closer to each other. Also, please pray for protection over the Seiz family and that the Lord would guard Daniel’s heart as he rests and prepares for this next season of ministry.

– Continue to pray over what God is doing at Worship Center! He is filling hungry hearts!