Your Story Matters

Alison Lewis   -  

Have you ever listened to a story and felt connected right away?  

Maybe something in the words or passion in the voice drew you in. Did you feel moved to take action or do something as you listened? I’ve felt that before.  

Hearing life’s struggles and emotions reminds us we are all humans. We are not alone in life, but instead connected. We’re connected to those around us, joined in the bigger picture, and connected to God, our Creator. 

Something about these first-hand stories invites others in. We give them a front-row seat to hear and experience God’s tangible impact on our lives. It has the potential to do something for others. They’ll take part in God’s goodness, figuring out how to trust in him in challenging situations, and God’s faithfulness to us even in the season of waiting.  

When we are open to sharing our struggles, low points, and victories in our lives, it can feel like a celebration and allow us to remember that we were never alone. Our gracious and loving Father is right there. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV).

For some of us, it might be cathartic to realize that those past experiences helped us overcome adversity while taking steps in a healing journey and trusting God for the outcome. 

We may discover that being vulnerable and sharing our struggles strengthens our sense of belonging and keeps us from isolation. Our journey becomes a bridge we build with our listeners, forming a connection that can lead to spiritual transformation in both ourselves and them. Everyone experiences life challenges, and expressing the emotions that accompany them allows for empathy to grow. Others can build a new perspective of us and the world by laying down preconceived notions and viewpoints.

In a season when our society is immersed in digital communication, valuing a shared story is necessary. It has the power to connect, inspire, and transform us and our listeners.  

Your story matters. What God has done and is doing in and through you has the potential to make a significant impact onanother’s life. Growing in empathy and understanding is significant because you matter. You are significant. 

What part of your journey can you share to encourage someone else? 

What story will you share so others can see your good and faithful God? 

Your story and your voice can make an impact.