5 Steps to Grow Closer to Jesus as a Family

Eric Scott   -  

I can almost hear the sigh of relief parents are experiencing as your families get back into a rhythm with school. Some of you are sending your children to public schools, others to Christian schools, and others are homeschooling your children, but all of you are glad to have a schedule rolling again.

Rhythms are important. In addition to a new school season bringing a new rhythm, I would like to propose another rhythm or practice to you. I am confident this practice will enhance your family’s growth as followers of Jesus.

Here are the action steps toward this new practice (and very possibly action steps you have already taken and practice now):

— 1. Determine the best time for your entire family to be together on school days for around 30 minutes (this is about the time we used, but do what you know works for your family).

— 2. Choose a Christ-centered resource (Bible, a devotional book based on God’s Word, etc.) that is age-appropriate for your family.

— 3. Before introducing this opportunity for Christian growth to your family, take time to pray and listen to God. He will help you introduce what may be a new idea for your family.

— 4. Introduce the new rhythm with enthusiasm, but also be ready for some pushback with some pre-thought responses that empathize while also being firm about growing in this way together.

— 5. Mark it on your family calendar and put a boundary around this time so that nothing gets in the way. It may be something you do each school day, or it might be once a week. Either way, let the schedule create a new practice that you instill meeting by meeting until it naturally becomes what your family does.

Scripture puts this practice this way in Deuteronomy 11:19, NLT:

“Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed, and when you are getting up.”

The “them” mentioned in the second word of this passage are God’s teachings. I love that the passage says, “Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” This gives you, as parents, a lot of options.

God is doing great things on the earth today, but I believe some of the most significant things He is doing are in the everyday lives we live in our homes as we grow together in Christ.