Impacting the Lancaster community: Wrapping up Serve Week 2024

Lisa Weaver   -  

As a church, we seek ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving others—whether that be across the globe or right here in our local community.

So, for an entire week in July our church partnered with ten organizations and others in need in our local community. More than 200 volunteers helped with projects like packing food and personal care products, sewing clothes, helping widows with house projects, cleaning, fixing, and doing yard work, and so much more.


— 1 PETER 4:10


Lord, thank you for each of the organizations and all of the people who were served throughout Serve Week. Thank you for the time, money, and energy to complete projects, build relationships, and serve your kingdom here in Lancaster County. Help us to continue to see the needs of our community and to meet them. And thank you for all who volunteered to serve others in their community, a beautiful representation of your local church.

Here are some of the stories from Serve Week 2024:

Block Party

We threw a Block Party in the parking lot at WC for families living in shelters. More than 60 school-aged kids were blessed with a backpack filled with school supplies, socks, and underwear and we prayed with families as they enjoyed an evening with inflatable games, face painting, a delicious meal, and some raffle prizes. Here is a note from Jaleen, who works with these families through their program called Families In Transition:

“We woke up this morning with our hearts so full and thankful for the partnership that was created to support our students in the FIT program. We are so grateful and appreciative for you all as well as the volunteers who helped make the evening such a success, we can’t do what we do without the support of our community.”


Align Life Ministries

One team conquered deep cleaning, weeding and window washing at Align Life Ministries. Worship Center was also able to purchase a patio set for their staff to enjoy their outside space and take a small break.

Here is a note from Align:

“A big THANK YOU for joining us on Monday at our Align Pregnancy Services in Lancaster to do some deep cleaning and weeding! You all are a huge blessing to our team and the many clients who come each week to enjoy a clean facility! It may have felt like endless dusting, window washing, weeding, and mopping for a few hours but it made a big impact, and we are grateful for your wonderful team!”

Joyfully Made Fellowship

Another crew went to Joyfully Made Fellowship, a special needs ministry, in Quarryville where they worked to clean out a basement and garage as well as clean inside the building and replace ceiling tiles.

Mrs. Tami, the director, expressed her gratitude after saying she felt overwhelmed looking at all the projects that needed to be completed. was so grateful. Even in the heat, this crew pulled out old carpet and filled a dumpster with a great attitude and hearts to serve!

Serving Widows

Sue Drazba needed some help installing window blinds. Here’s what she shared with us:

I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful evening I had with two of the Serve Week volunteers, Lexie and Shawn Kreider! What a precious young couple! My new blinds are hung and my heart is full!!!”


A Woman’s Concern

Four loads of clothing were collecting to benefit A Woman’s Concern, a pregnancy and parenting resource for women. Because of your donations, the organization can give clients in need of clothing gift cards to Community Aid.

Thank you Worship Center for showing up and blessing our community!!