New Global Partner: Jordan & Martina Weatherson

William Torres Sr.   -  

Welcome Jordan and Martina Weatherson!


This past weekend we had the privilege of having Jordan and Martina Weatherson in our services. They are Global Partners, serving with Youth With A Mission in Switzerland and North Africa. They have three girls, Lilah, Tanja, Maya. Jordan serves on the base leadership team in Lausanne, helping give guidance to the training schools happening at the base, as well as overall base leadership and local ministries. Martina is very involved in staff training for the base, and teaching in training schools. They both help with Bible Studies, after school programs and welcoming young adults into their home, building community and growing together in faith.

The Weathersons are very involved in refugee outreach in North Africa, working with Sudanese refugees, Coptic Christians and Muslims. They have a training center where they offer vocational skill classes as well as Biblical Worldview teachings, and they have seen God move in many ways through this ministry.

Martina often gets together with Muslim women, chatting with them about what they believe, and sharing her testimony about a deep, personal relationship with God, which is a foreign concept to many of them, as their religion views their god as distant and impersonal. These conversations have led to women wanting to know God in a deep and personal way.

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