What Does it Mean to “Build a Group”?

Cindy Scott   -  

Do you have Worship Center friends or family that you “do life” with? Do you share the highs and lows of life with them? Do you share your prayer requests and praises? Do you process your faith journeys together?

Why not make it official?

At Worship Center, we love for people to be in smaller circles where they are connected, celebrated, cared for, and even challenged to take their next steps as growing followers of Jesus. Our Groups Ministry can support you to take your circle of friends and/or family to the next level.

In other words, you don’t need to connect with people you don’t yet know in order to have a group at the Worship Center (But of course, if you prefer broadening the circle, we are happy to assist you there as well!).

To connect your circle with the support and encouragement that can be found in the Worship Center Groups Ministry, click here. Our Small Groups Pastor, Betsy Torres, will be in contact and help you with next steps to launch your group!