Are You Making This Mistake in Your Marriage?

Eric Scott   -  

Our marriages can quickly become business arrangements around our kid’s schedules, work, meal planning, and projects. While all these are important, keeping your love alive is critical to your marriage and family.

As a result, a mistake we married folk make is stopping dating. Dating was crucial before our weddings, but now it seems like an extra we do not have time for.

Please take a moment and listen to this thought:

If you had to date to build your relationship before marriage, you can be assured you need to continue to date to sustain your marriage.

Here are a few thoughts that may be helpful. And feel free to send me some of your date ideas. I’m always up for a new date idea!

1.| I have small boxes that say “Date Night Cards.” These cards will give you and your spouse good ideas. Just message me (, and I will set aside a box for you at our Receptionist’s desk.

2.| Like anything else you hope to accomplish, a date must be scheduled. So, do it. Take the few moments needed to set a night aside. It does not have to be expensive. It could be a walk, a bike ride, a stay-at-home night without the kids, or, if you have some extra cash, take your spouse to something fancy like The Exchange overlooking Lancaster City (one of our favorite spots).

3.| Then, please think about what the date should look like. Is there some ongoing stress that needs to be processed together first? If so, having an excellent time together will feel forced if there is an undercurrent of conflict. Take the time to process the conflict first. It may take a few minutes to rectify, but it may require more of you both. *As you know, this issue will not go away on its own. In fact, you may need a professional counselor to help you through this rough patch. If that is the case, feel free to contact me, and I will be happy to refer you to a counselor.

4.| Have fun! Life can be so serious, especially during election season! Yet, God did not design us to carry the weight of the world. That is His job. Go out and eat good food, talk about enjoyable topics, and remember why you said, “I do” to your spouse – simply take a break from the world. Your souls need that. Enjoy!

If you want to up your game, take a further step toward sustaining your marriage. Check out the Marriage Hub’s upcoming couples’ retreat in E-Town (Conference – The Marriage Hub) November 15-17, 2024.

Simply put – keep your love alive by investing in time together.

With prayers for you and your family,

— Pastor Eric