March Forth! Share How God Has Moved in Your Life

Eric Scott   -  

Every so often, I send my grandchildren an email via their parents. Recently, I sent another and called it March Forth! It has been a cold winter, and many have fought the various sicknesses winter can bring. Yes, it is time to March Forth!

In light of marching forth, I would like to share some thoughts with you that I included in my “Dear Grands” letter to my grandchildren. Here they are:

Marching forth involves much more than just the action of marching. It involves preparation for a march. There are some questions we need to answer before we march or move toward a new goal. For example:

  1. Where are you going? What is the destination you believe you need to arrive at?
  2. Have you prayed about whether this is a destination God wants you to reach?
  3. If it is the right destination, are you prepared for the action you must take? For example, you may want to have a hospital for injured animals. Well, you can’t do that without going through veterinary school. What will help you get there?
  4. Along with the preparation, how are you doing with your relationship with God? If you stay in touch with Him, you will have the regular encouragement and strength you need to follow the path He has given you, but if you start to do it in your power, there will come a time when you are exhausted and wonder if it all was worth it.

One thing you can do as you prepare to march forth is think of what you are grateful for. Thanking God for what He has done in our lives encourages us to continue on His path.

Here are some things I am regularly thankful for:

Meeting Mima (that is what my grands call my wife😊) at Elim Bible Institute in 1981 was a miracle. Mima felt she was to go to Youth With a Mission for a year before coming to Elim. It just so happened that was the year I would start at Elim after giving my life to God just two years before. God aligned these events, so Mima and I would meet, marry, have the children we had, and then see each of you come into our world. All small but incredible miracles!

I have also experienced more dramatic miracles. Once, I took a C-130 military plane to England to see a friend and then went to Scotland to visit uncles and cousins who lived in Aberdeen. I had just become a Christian and wanted to explain to my friend how God had come into my life.

Unfortunately, I flew into the wrong base in England, and my friend was trying to pick me up at another base. I had no idea what to do. Back in those days, there were no cell phones. Walking by the Non-Commissioned Officer’s Club, I thought I should go in and get warm. It was cold!

As I stepped inside the club, I heard, “Is there an Airman Scott here?” I could not believe it! I had never been to England before. Yet, I walked into this club, and my name was being called out over the loudspeaker system. I came to the desk and was told someone was trying to call me. I took the phone, and my friend was on the line! How did he know I was here?

He just said I called the first base (there were lots of them in England then) that came to mind and thought you might be at the club. To me, that was a miracle, and it gave me the opportunity to talk about God with my friend.

I encourage you to communicate with your children and help them discern what may be their best next (a healthy cereal over Lucky Charms this time😊). While you are doing that, tell them how God has moved in your life and has helped you make decisions.

With hope for you and your family,

Pastor Eric