120,000 Meals Packed for PackHope
Thank you to everyone who came out to PackHOPE!
We had around 500 volunteers come out to pack 120,000 meals of rice and beans! We had grandparents serving with grandkids, parents with newborn babies sleeping in infant carries, small groups, neighbors, and individuals packing food together that will go to the neediest places on earth. We had 33,750 pounds of rice and beans move through our building on Saturday!
We cannot do an event like this without the help of many volunteers. A huge THANK YOU to the 35 people who served all day as table leaders, lifting heavy bins of rice and beans and making sure tables had everything they needed. Another big THANK YOU to the 30 Converge students who stayed to help clean up after the last session and swept up all the rice and beans on the floor. What an incredible crew!
We know these meals will make a difference to families all around the world. We are so grateful to you, our Worship Center family and beyond, for coming out on a Saturday to pack rice and beans for people we don’t know and probably will never meet but will give them food for a month. We truly did Pack HOPE!