Over the last 40 years, Worship Center has reached into various parts of the world through international missions. We continue to serve individuals in other parts of the world, leading them into a growing relationships with Jesus.

We have a combination of homegrown Global Partners reaching out into foreign nations and some adopted national Global Partners serving in their own cultural context. All of this is designed to help Worship Center serve our world and see the message of the gospel go across the world.

Global Partnerships

30Global Partners
104Countries We Reach
$225,255Given Toward Missions This Year

How to Give:

About 10% of Worship Center tithes goes toward global and local outreach.

Give to specific global partners which allows you to personally walk alongside a global partner, their nation, or their ministry.

You can give to the general missions fund at any point. The general missions fund supports all of the global partners and everything Worship Center is involved in globally and locally.

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Outreach Staff

Click below to email William or Lisa.

William Torres Sr.

Global & Local Outreach Pastor

Lisa Weaver

Outreach Ministry Assistant