Remember Your Creator – Pt 2

1 Kings 11:1-10 (NLT)

1 Now King Solomon loved many foreign women. Besides Pharaoh’s daughter, he married women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon, and from among the Hittites. 2 The Lord had clearly instructed the people of Israel, “You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods.” Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. 3 He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the Lord.

4 In Solomon’s old age, they turned his heart to worship other gods instead of being completely faithful to the Lord his God, as his father, David, had been. 5 Solomon worshiped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech, the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 In this way, Solomon did what was evil in the Lord’s sight; he refused to follow the Lord completely, as his father, David, had done.

7 On the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, he even built a pagan shrine for Chemosh, the detestable god of Moab, and another for Molech, the detestable god of the Ammonites. 8 Solomon built such shrines for all his foreign wives to use for burning incense and sacrificing to their gods.

9 The Lord was very angry with Solomon, for his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. 10 He had warned Solomon specifically about worshiping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the Lord’s command.

Ecclesiastes 1:16-18 (NLT)

16 I said to myself, “Look, I am wiser than any of the kings who ruled in Jerusalem before me. I have greater wisdom and knowledge than any of them.” 17 So I set out to learn everything from wisdom to madness and folly. But I learned firsthand that pursuing all this is like chasing the wind.

18 The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow.

Ecclesiastes 8:1 (NLT)

1 How wonderful to be wise, to analyze and interpret things. Wisdom lights up a person’s face, softening its harshness.

Wisdom is a gift from our Creator, revealed through trust in Him.

Colossians 2:3 (NLT)

3 In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

1. Godly wisdom can make your life better.

Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 (NLT)

1 A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born.
2 Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties. After all, everyone dies— so the living should take this to heart.
3 Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us.
4 A wise person thinks a lot about death, while a fool thinks only about having a good time.

5 Better to be criticized by a wise person than to be praised by a fool.
6 A fool’s laughter is quickly gone, like thorns crackling in a fire. This also is meaningless.

7 Extortion turns wise people into fools, and bribes corrupt the heart.

8 Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.

9 Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool.

10 Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise.

11 Wisdom is even better when you have money. Both are a benefit as you go through life.
12 Wisdom and money can get you almost anything, but only wisdom can save your life.

13 Accept the way God does things, for who can straighten what he has made crooked?
14 Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life.

2. Godly wisdom is often counter-intuitive and counter-cultural.

– A good reputation is better than expensive perfume.

– Attending funerals is better than attending parties.

Sadness is better than laughter.

Criticism from a wise person is better than praise from a fool.

Finishing is better than starting.

Today is better than yesterday.

Patience is better than pride.

Ecclesiastes 7:15-29 (NLT)

15 I have seen everything in this meaningless life, including the death of good young people and the long life of wicked people. 16 So don’t be too good or too wise! Why destroy yourself? 17 On the other hand, don’t be too wicked either. Don’t be a fool! Why die before your time? 18 Pay attention to these instructions, for anyone who fears God will avoid both extremes.

19 One wise person is stronger than ten leading citizens of a town!

20 Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins.

21 Don’t eavesdrop on others—you may hear your servant curse you. 22 For you know how often you yourself have cursed others.

23 I have always tried my best to let wisdom guide my thoughts and actions. I said to myself, “I am determined to be wise.” But it didn’t work. 24 Wisdom is always distant and difficult to find. 25 I searched everywhere, determined to find wisdom and to understand the reason for things. I was determined to prove to myself that wickedness is stupid and that foolishness is madness.

26 I discovered that a seductive woman is a trap more bitter than death. Her passion is a snare, and her soft hands are chains. Those who are pleasing to God will escape her, but sinners will be caught in her snare.

27 “This is my conclusion,” says the Teacher. “I discovered this after looking at the matter from every possible angle. 28 Though I have searched repeatedly, I have not found what I was looking for. Only one out of a thousand men is virtuous, but not one woman! 29 But I did find this: God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path.”

3. Godly wisdom will teach you how to endure.


Where your faith intersects with real life!


Each person shares a recent high and low from their life.


Review the message notes.

Big Idea: Wisdom is a gift from our Creator, revealed to us through our trust in Him.


Choose one or two questions for your Group to discuss as time allows.

▶ Read Ecclesiastes 7:1-9. Which thought stands out to reflect on today?

▶ Read Ecclesiastes 7:10-11. What is one area in which you need godly wisdom?

▶ Read Ecclesiastes 7:15-19. How may the Lord be leading you to think differently?


Spend a moment in silence to consider your response, then share with the Group.

Read Ecclesiastes 7:12-14. What mountains and valleys may the Lord be using to teach you endurance? How can you participate in what the Lord is teaching you about endurance?


Thank God for the highs and lift up the lows.

Ask God to help us to have endurance and understand what he is teaching us.

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