Your Marriage: Control or Collaboration? October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence, or abuse, is defined this way by the Department of Justice: Domestic...
3 Powerful Ways To Use Your Voice I’m starting a four-part series within 3 Minute Thoughts on how to make worship a lifestyle, and today we’ll look at how to...
The Reflective Nature Of Scripture “The first principle of learning is that you must not fool yourself. And you are the easiest person to fool.” A brilliant educator...
Cooper Miller Accepts Position As High School Pastor We’re so excited to welcome Cooper Miller to our staff as our new High School Pastor here at Worship Center! He will officially begin his...
3 Essential Traits Of A People Builder We all need someone who can see our potential and believe in us more than we believe in ourselves. When Jesus invited Peter to be one of...
Knocking on the Door of Your Family’s Heart William Shakespeare wrote these words many years ago, and Mark Antony spoke them in the famous play Julius Caesar: “Friends, Romans,...
Guard Your Mind Against Negative Thoughts No matter how good of a person you are or how strong your faith is, negative thoughts will come. These negative thoughts will try to weigh...
Experience Divine Connections In Dry Places God knows what you need even before you do. You can trust that God is already making a way, even though you don’t see the way (watch...
The Other Side Of Not Giving Up Some of the best lessons I’ve learned in life were typically the hard way. As a teenager, earning a thousand dollars to put in a...