Baby Dedication
March 30
Kids service times are the same as the regular service times: 9 and 11am on Sundays. Check-in opens to receive children 15 minutes before each service. We understand that things happen with little ones that may cause a late arrival to church, so, check-in remains open until 15 minutes after each service begins.
This does mean that we have to turn people away when check-in closes, but here’s why: Separation anxiety can make it difficult for kids to be left with others they aren’t familiar with. Our team members don’t mind children crying as they take the time to settle them down. But when little ones see someone coming to the window, they can become anxious because they think their parents are coming to get them, too.
If you are unable to check your child in, you are welcome to have your child attend church with you. If you need to remove your child from the service or if you don’t feel comfortable bringing them into the auditorium with you, we’ve provided a Kids Comfort Area. This space is made just for parents of young children and gives parents the opportunity to enjoy the service while their child plays. There are also monitors in several areas along the Main Street corridor where you can watch the service.
Most parents with young children enter the building through the West Entrance because this entrance is closer to the Kids Ministry area. When you arrive, you will want to check your child in their respective classroom. If it’s your first time, stop by Guest Check-In to register your child. It takes about 5 minutes, so you will want to allow a little extra time for this. This is located near the big tree–you can’t miss it!
Check-in team members will help you register your child and show you the check-in procedure for future visits. They will also help you find the appropriate nursery or classroom for your child.
Please have your mobile phone with you, as the WCKids Ministry uses text notifications to contact you during the service if your little one needs your attention. Also, be ready to submit your mobile number and your mobile carrier (At&T, Verizon, etc), since these are required for using text notification.
Your child will receive a name tag that includes their unique security number. You will also receive a parent tag with this same number. We call this the Parent Pick-up Tag. For safety reasons, no one is allowed to pick up your child without the parent tag you receive, so make sure you hang onto it. It does have a duplicate on the tag, so another parent or family member can have one as well. If you should lose the Parent Pick-up Tag, stop by the Early Childhood Coordinator’s desk closest to the baby classes.
It’s our hope that you and your child have a wonderful experience at Worship Center!