Oasis (30+ Singles Ministry) Brunch at Agape
March 29 11:00 am
Our mission is to lead people to be growing followers of Jesus who love God and love people. No matter what you've been through or where you're at on your faith journey, we believe there's a place for you here.
We know God has a good plan for your life, and we look forward to getting to know you. If you're ready to visit, click here and let us know you're coming.
On-site & Online
Worship Center is a diverse, multigenerational church family located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Our services happen at 9 and 11am on Sunday mornings. When you come to Worship Center, you can go to any of our three entrances (East, West, and South), where you’ll receive a friendly greeting from our Hospitality Team. They can answer any questions you have or point you in the direction you need to go! If you have kids, be sure to follow the signs to our West Entrance. Once inside, grab free coffee or stop by the café on the East side of our building for breakfast or a specialty drink.
Our services are about 75 minutes long and filled with dynamic worship and an engaging, gospel-centered message that will encourage your faith. We also have ASL, and Spanish translation available for our 11am service.
We also love to capture the life of the church and what happens in our building and provide that experience digitally through our online platforms. You may notice our production and media teams taking pictures and recording video to accomplish this.
If you’re ready to visit, click here and let us know you’re coming.
At Worship Center, we love kids and we have a place for every age group! Our check-in and pick-up experience makes our Kids Ministry effective, fun, and safe. Kids can check in to their class 15 minutes before services and they can be picked up in the 15-minute window after each service. In their classes, they’ll learn biblical truths, worship together, and participate in hands-on activities. For more info, select an age group below:
Yes! We have amazing volunteers who faithfully work to translate our 11am services into both ASL and Spanish. If you’d like a Spanish translation device, you can pick one up at our information desks at the East and West Entrances. Our ASL translators are positioned at the front of the auditorium on the right side. We also provide message notes in Spanish.
No, not at all! We are a church of imperfect people, but we worship a very perfect God. Worship Center firmly believes that the church serves as a place for broken people to heal, receive forgiveness, and find freedom.
Our music is a mix of modern worship, traditional hymns, and sometimes original songs, but it's always dynamic and energetic with a focus on God and gratitude for what he's done for us. Here's an original song our worship team wrote!
At the very core of our messages is the gospel. When you attend Worship Center, you’ll learn more about who God is, what he did for us, and how we can respond to his amazing grace and love.
If you’re ready to visit, click the “I’ll Be There” button and let us know you’re coming. We’d love to meet you, give you a free gift, and answer any questions you may have.