Six months ago, we started searching for our next Young Adult Pastor. In that time, instead of only asking who could fill the role, we also began to ask, 'What changes might need to be made to The Living Room ministry?' As we prayed and reflected, we realized that a healthy church integrates and mobilizes young adults into the broader church community.

As a team, we reached this conclusion: We will no longer have a young adult gathering on Tuesday nights. With this decision, we are envisioning a new approach to Young Adult Ministry—one that encourages a vibrant Sunday morning experience, fully integrated into Worship Center's church life. Click below to learn more.

At The Living Room, we want to  lead young adults to be growing followers of Jesus who  love God and  love people.

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Click below to contact our team.

Ali Stoltzfus

Young Adults Ministry Assistant

Virgil Esh

Young Adult Coordinator